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Celebrity jak je neznáme! Beckham svačí nahý a Brad holí Angelině nohy!

24. října 2013 | 09:45

Nahý David Beckham pózující s párkem v rohlíku, královská rodinka ve vaně plné pěny nebo prezident Obama potají kouřící na záchodě! Že by slavné světové hvězdy nechali paparazzi proniknout až do svých domovů a koupelen?

Ve skutečnosti ne. Tyto vtipné fotografie ze soukromého života VIP jsou dílem americké umělkyně Alison Jackson s velkým smyslem pro humor a ještě větším talentem!

Lidé jako my

Alison si všimla, jak je moderní společnost fascinovaná životy slavných a rozhodla se nám přiblížit, co se asi děje za zavřenými dveřmi jejich domovů. Velmi vtipným způsobem nám tak připomíná, že i celebrity jsou normální lidé, kteří přebalují děti, chodí na záchod nebo se koukají na televizi.

Čas na koupel! Rodinko, do vany!

Hledá se Miley Cyrus

Pokud se ptáte, jak tyto snímky vlastně vznikají, možná budete překvapení, že nejde o nic složitého. Alison Jackson prostě využívá dvojníků a občas je "doladí" parukou nebo specifickým líčením. "Ozývají se mi doslova zástupy dvojníků. Momentálně mám k dispozici 5 žen, které vypadají jako Kate Middleton, jednoho prince Williama a jednu královnu Alžbětu. A abych nezapomněla, zrovna sháním někoho, kdo je velmi podobný Miley Cyrus. Kdybyste někoho takového znali, určitě mě kontaktujte, mám s ní jisté plány.", říká Jackson pro americký deník Metro.

Opravdu milující pár - Brad v koupelně holí Angelině nohy

Vtipné a milé

Nás fotky Alison vyloženě uchvátily! Jsou vtipné, ale přitom si z celebrit střílí takovým způsobem, na který se snad nikdo zlobit nemůže. No řekněte, jak se vám líbí Brad Pitt holící své životní partnerce Angelině Jolie nohy v koupelně, slavní snoubenci Kim Kardashian a Kanye West zdobící svoji malou holčičku do obřích diamantů, nebo David Beckham v kostýmu maskota, kterého hráči šikanují v šatnách? Nám moc!

Madonna je normální matka - přebaluje svoje děti jako my.

Více "falešných" fotografií slavných osobností najdete v naší galerii.

I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

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I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

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I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

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I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

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Autor: brig