Pondělí 14. října 2024
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Celebrity jak je neznáme! Beckham svačí nahý a Brad holí Angelině nohy!

24. října 2013 | 09:45

Nahý David Beckham pózující s párkem v rohlíku, královská rodinka ve vaně plné pěny nebo prezident Obama potají kouřící na záchodě! Že by slavné světové hvězdy nechali paparazzi proniknout až do svých domovů a koupelen?

Ve skutečnosti ne. Tyto vtipné fotografie ze soukromého života VIP jsou dílem americké umělkyně Alison Jackson s velkým smyslem pro humor a ještě větším talentem!

Lidé jako my

Alison si všimla, jak je moderní společnost fascinovaná životy slavných a rozhodla se nám přiblížit, co se asi děje za zavřenými dveřmi jejich domovů. Velmi vtipným způsobem nám tak připomíná, že i celebrity jsou normální lidé, kteří přebalují děti, chodí na záchod nebo se koukají na televizi.

Čas na koupel! Rodinko, do vany!
Autor: alisonjackson.com

Hledá se Miley Cyrus

Pokud se ptáte, jak tyto snímky vlastně vznikají, možná budete překvapení, že nejde o nic složitého. Alison Jackson prostě využívá dvojníků a občas je "doladí" parukou nebo specifickým líčením. "Ozývají se mi doslova zástupy dvojníků. Momentálně mám k dispozici 5 žen, které vypadají jako Kate Middleton, jednoho prince Williama a jednu královnu Alžbětu. A abych nezapomněla, zrovna sháním někoho, kdo je velmi podobný Miley Cyrus. Kdybyste někoho takového znali, určitě mě kontaktujte, mám s ní jisté plány.", říká Jackson pro americký deník Metro.

Opravdu milující pár - Brad v koupelně holí Angelině nohy
Autor: alisonjackson.com

Vtipné a milé

Nás fotky Alison vyloženě uchvátily! Jsou vtipné, ale přitom si z celebrit střílí takovým způsobem, na který se snad nikdo zlobit nemůže. No řekněte, jak se vám líbí Brad Pitt holící své životní partnerce Angelině Jolie nohy v koupelně, slavní snoubenci Kim Kardashian a Kanye West zdobící svoji malou holčičku do obřích diamantů, nebo David Beckham v kostýmu maskota, kterého hráči šikanují v šatnách? Nám moc!

Madonna je normální matka - přebaluje svoje děti jako my.
Autor: alisonjackson.com

Více "falešných" fotografií slavných osobností najdete v naší galerii.

I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

- See more at: http://www.metro.us/newyork/news/international/2013/10/22/fake-photos-show-royal-couple-giving-prince-george-a-bath/#sthash.3B5rEumK.dpuf

I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

- See more at: http://www.metro.us/newyork/news/international/2013/10/22/fake-photos-show-royal-couple-giving-prince-george-a-bath/#sthash.3B5rEumK.dpuf

I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

- See more at: http://www.metro.us/newyork/news/international/2013/10/22/fake-photos-show-royal-couple-giving-prince-george-a-bath/#sthash.3B5rEumK.dpuf

I have a stash of them. I have five great Kate lookalikes, but one in particular is a dead ringer – she’s identical in photographs taken from all angles. I have a great lookalike for Prince William and Queen Elizabeth. Funnily enough, I have never found a lookalike for her husband Prince Philip. Oh, and I am now looking for a Miley Cyrus lookalike. I’m always searching, so if you do know someone, I would be very grateful if you could contact me.

I can’t think of anyone I know who’s the spitting image of Miley.

They don’t need to look absolutely spot-on. I mean, I can get her to wear a wig or something.

Who’s your next spoof photoshoot focusing on?

Next week, I’m flying back to London [from Los Angeles] to do one with a (German Prime Minister) Angela Merkel lookalike – I’m branching out of England and the U.S., leaping into other countries and personalities as it were. But generally speaking, politicians are slightly boring at the moment. I hate to admit it, but I miss Tony Blair and George W. Bush, satirically of course, because of their strong personalities. Obama and Cameron are not so interesting for me.

- See more at: http://www.metro.us/newyork/news/international/2013/10/22/fake-photos-show-royal-couple-giving-prince-george-a-bath/#sthash.3B5rEumK.dpuf
Autor: brig