Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.
Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.
Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.
Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.
Sex je nejenom důležitou součástí vašeho vztahu, ale také nejsnadnějším antidepresivem, pro které nemusíte do lékárny. Při milování a orgasmu se totiž vyplavuje serotonin, který je zodpovědný za vaši dobrou náladu a pocit štěstí.
Až se proto příště budete mít sto chutí překulit na druhý bok, zkuste si vzpomenout, jak vás milování s partnerem vždy bavilo a jak jste se po něm pokaždé cítila doslova nabitá energií. A jak jsou tyto tři důvody, proč odmítat sex, strašně hloupé:
1. Jste příliš unavená

Tip: Pošeptejte před placením v restauraci partnerovi do ucha něco peprného. Uvidíte, že se oba nebudete moci dočkat, až přijedete domů!
2.Máte špeky, jizvy a vůbec se cítíte otřesná

Tip: Zkuste nejdříve nažhavit sama sebe - oblékněte si sexy prádlo, objednejte (nebo uvařte) dobré jídlo a zapalte pár svíček. A mimochodem, věděla jste, že v oranžovém tlumeném světle vypadá vaše pokožka téměř dokonalá? Tak proč toho nevyužít?!
3. Nemáte absolutně čas

Tip: Někdy nemají čas muži, zatímco ženy by si ho rády udělaly. V takovémto okamžiku se nevinně zeptejte manžela, jestli si vážně nenajde pár minut na orální uspokojení. Uvidíte, že k přeorganizování činností nebude potřebovat ani nakouknout do diáře.
Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.
Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.
Not only is sex good for your relationship, it's also beneficial to your health. According to Dr. JJ Levenstein, "Serotonin is released during sex which produces an anti-depressant effect and a sense of well-being and contentment. Also, phenylethylamine is released and triggers the release of dopamine from the pleasure centers of the brain, resulting in a blissful, attractive and excited state of mind."
Next time you feel like rolling over, remember this list of oft-used excuses...and then consider changing your response:
You’re too tired to spend time together. Do. It. Anyway. Getting away from the kids for one night isn’t going to hurt anyone—in fact, it will help your relationship. So go out as a couple for a date night. You’ll be surprised at how energizing date night can be, and by the time you get home, who knows, you might both be in the mood…especially if the sitter puts the kids to sleep for you.
You don’t feel romantic. Sure, refereeing fighting siblings and changing diapers might not make you feel sexy, but it’s not all you’re about. While you guys might not be able to do regular candlelit dinners and spontaneous trips around the world, you can definitely try small romantic gestures like giving each other massages or writing love letters (or even a text message).
You never have enough time. Ok, enough with the excuses already. Make time! If you have to, wake up 15 minutes early or stay up 15 minutes later. You don’t need hours in bed to have some fun together. A hot quickie might be the perfect way to make you two feel connected until the next time you can spend some quality time between the sheets.